The secrets of aging in reverse

Chemistry professors know a lot about aging.

They don't necessarily care about what aging means in terms of looks, of course. They are all wrapped up in chemical reactions, but I do, and I learned a lot from them during my years as a student of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

Here is what I do know after years of chemistry classes and personal research...

All the known secrets of aging in reverse are found in these few things...

A diet full of colorful plant foods
Nutrient dense fats such as avocado, olive oil and almonds
A tailored supplement regimen (which we will be digging into soon in the No-Diet Diet Club)
Regular exercise (HIIT is best, follow me on Instagram for a lot more tips on this!)
Biohacking (a new one I am experimenting with and will be sharing with you!)

If you have any questions about these, comment and let me know!

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Get enough of this in your diet and you could live forever

There are a lot of unspoken things when it comes to anti-aging.

I mean seriously, what the **** is Cindy Crawford doing?

Well, actually, probably some of what we are going to talk about here today!

I learned from a college chemistry teacher that, technically, if we could eliminate all free radicals for all of time, we would never age or die.

Dang, that blew my mind.

I was like "blueberries, NOW!"

Free radicals are what cause aging. We can eradicate them by ingesting anti-oxidants which are found in plant foods.

Although it is probably not possible to ingest THAT many anti-oxidants, it doesn't hurt to try!

Here are some of the best free radical busting foods available

  • Berries: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
  • Spices: clove, turmeric, cinnamon
  • Cocoa powder (yes, the kind you find in the baking aisle)
  • Leafy greens
  • Citrus fruits
  • Almonds, flax seed, walnuts

I am going to break down a whole month of this in the No-Diet Diet Club, so don't miss it! Click here to check it out!

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Why you should practice being still

How often do you slow down and take a moment for silence?

If you're like most, chances are you don't.

When I suggest this, most people think it's stupid, a waste of time. They tell me they don't have time for it.

But taking this quiet time can have major benefits...way more benefits than you'll ever get from another 5 minutes of Netflix.

Meditation, as some call it, works on all systems of the body at the cellular level. This isn't just about getting peace and quiet so you don't yell at your kids, this is about altering your body chemistry.

Simply taking five minutes to be still can:

‍decrease inflammation
‍slow the aging process
‍reduce risk of heart attack
‍improve memory

I don't know where else you can get that many benefits out of five minutes...

I would love to know how include this in your day! Comment here and tell me:)



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The healthiest foods on earth

There is definitely a hierarchy when it comes to food. Yes, some have more nutrients than others and will help you achieve better health. 

What are the healthiest foods to eat?
Dark leafy greens
Richly colored berries
Nuts and seeds
Wild caught fish

These are all INCREDIBLY easy to get in your diet if you are cooking at home (or hire someone to cook for you).

If you don't know how, I can teach you! Join the No-Diet Diet Club. Click here to learn more!


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The coolest thing I learned in nutrition school

This was one of the coolest things I learned while I was getting my nutrition degree.

The colors in plants mark the nutrients they contain. We can literally color ourselves healthy by eating all these colors,

COLOR is how we nourish our bodies!! Whatever you're eating day in and day out, it should be full of COLOR!
The nutrients in our foods are marked by color
More color means more variety of nutrients
Colors mean anti-aging and anti-disease

Do you think this is as cool as I do?


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What diet should I follow?

You have to follow the diet that works for YOU!

Personally, I don't subscribe to any particular diet. Here is what I do...

Finding the best "diet" for me is an ever evolving journey! I love trying new things:
High fat
No snacks
Smaller meals

All of this experimenting helps me see what I like best and what fits best in my schedule.

I am constantly learning new things about my body and my health and how I can help my clients apply what I am learning!

What works for you?


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What is the best diet for you to follow?

This is what I know...

The best diet to follow is the one that works for you while helping you improve your health!

"Do I need to be following Paleo?"

"Is Keto the healthiest?"

"How do I know if I am eating the best diet for me?"

This "diet" is a way of life. It should be flexible to fit with your schedule.
It should serve you in improving your health, feeling good, having energy and looking the way you want to look.
You don't have to follow any diet that anyone else does, simply do what works best for YOU

You have to do what works for you, or nothing will work!


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What I ate...

Pictured is the most delicious lunch I ate the other day.

This is a peak into how I balance my eating and what I eat on a typical day (although not all of this was typical, coughwinecough.)

Such a delicious lunch with tons of whole, plant foods- just the way I like it!
Local, #grassfed beef sliders
Seafood salad with avocado
Steak salad
Iced coffee
Wine, because #winenot ?!

What did you have for lunch?


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How local food can change your health

Yes, eating local foods makes a huge difference!

Plan your menus around local ingredients.

This is the best way to ensure you are getting:
The most nutrients possible
The highest quality ingredients
Organic for the best price (most small local farmers use organic methods, but simply can't afford the organic label)
Foods your body craves (our bodies are programmed to eat seasonal foods from our area)

Basically It Meals are all locally sourced so you get the best bang for your nutrition buck!


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How can you get healthy-ER?

Healthy is different for everyone!

Start by figuring out what kind of balance will work for you in your life.

What adjustments do you need to make to feel good and look the way you want?


I am strict in certain areas: no gluten, low sugar, no fast food.
I am loose in others: wine, cheese, gluten free pasta.
This balance allows me to feel good, enjoy my food and look the way I want

This balance works beautifully for me in my life, what will work for you?


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